Who are the Nudists?

Nudism is an ancient practice, that today is recovering vitality, especially among young people, mixing with a love and the desire to feel free.Nudism in Western culture is not something that always evokes positive messages. In fact, every one usually think of nudism as a practice celebration of it’s physical form, as a symptom of narcissism or as something embarrassing, to be exorcised with jokes and ironical.

Who are the Nudists?

Yet traditionally the nudist lifestyle (also nudist) has nothing to do with tanning, beauty, narcissism, pornography and so on. Who is nude for ethical reasons, says it wants to express in this way their love for the outdoors, the need to feel more in touch with the surrounding environment, the desire to discover a part of nature (hence the ‘interchangeability of the terms naturist and nudist).
Who are the Nudists?
Go naked, after all, is not unusual as you may think. Do it at the beach, for example, is a practice which is more or less socially accepted. Is socially accepted as the World Naked Bike Ride, the bike ride naked or nearly so, which takes place every year in 70 cities in the world, attracting thousands of people in this way demonstrate against pollution.
Of course, do activities completely undressed and spend most of their lives naked are two different things. But ethics naturist asks “maximum freedom and acceptance of ourselves and others in full respect for the rights of those who believe that being naked does not mean being indecent.”
Who are the Nudists?
After a glorious past (the nudity was common practice in archaic societies, in the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and so on) and a period of decline, recently nudism is experiencing a new youth, not only as a form of protest against the ideological exploitation of workers in the factories that produce clothes or gender equality, but also as a symbol of the fact that nudity is not necessarily linked to sexual or must be commodified.
In 1991 Aileen Goodson, author of ‘Nudity and Joy’ explained also how nudism might be useful as group therapy to cure low self-esteem, and to acquire greater self-confidence by learning to accept their bodies.
Who are the Nudists?
In recent years, nudism was gradually becoming more accepted in today’s society, even though public nudity is considered poorly suited to conduct respectful of others.
In Italy, for example, the beaches for naturist and nudist clubs are few and expensive, but you can not get undressed for the city or the parks. This implies that practice nudism is not always accessible to all, not only in our country but also in the U.S., where young people are moving more and more towards nudism to solve social problems such as the acceptance of one’s body.
Who are the Nudists?
In Florida since 2009 some young people are experiencing the powerful impact that can have hiking nude. “Who came first-account-has also continued in other years, and stopped worrying about their physical appearance. Overweight people, or problems, thanks to nudism are able to reduce their insecurities and feel loved and accepted as they are. “
So, if one part is now indisputable that nudism should deal with issues such as the commodification of the body and image, the other is something that makes it very attractive for those who want to feel more free, hoping for a world where appearance counts less being, or just want to have fun. And this is the fashion among activists and others.